When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.



When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.


Are you looking for a dynamic speaker that will make your next event a stunning success? Do you want entertaining and educational training that will leave your attendees raving long after the event? We've got you covered.

When you hire Michaela Cox for your conference, company, or church event, you don’t just get a bland, canned presentation. We customize every message specifically for your audience in order to achieve your desired outcomes. We get to know your organization, and your attendees, so that the message creates long-lasting results. Only material that is relevant to your audience is considered.

Michaela’s straight-from-the-heart delivery, passion and energy, inspires audiences to go beyond their real and perceived limitations… and into step into their God-given potential. With charisma, warmth and humor, Michaela Cox, delivers the right message for your unique audience.

As a premier Keynote Speaker and leading authority on empowering you to travel your journey of grief and loss, Coach Michaela is a sought-after presenter who translates theory into bottom-line results for her clients. Rest assured, your people will love it. And they will be inspired to achieve more for themselves, your organization and your clients.

Our speaking schedule fills quickly, so we encourage you to contact us so we can set up a 15-minute call to determine if we are a good fit for each other.


Would you like to maximize your motivation and effectiveness? If so, read on.

In this invigorating program you and your team will be inspired to achieve more. Learn how to delete limiting beliefs that hold you back in life!

Coach Michaela will help you build your skills for success and unleash your unlimited potential: 

  • Power Motivators! What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do Anything 
  • 6 Proven Ways to Increase Your Effectiveness 
  • Easy Ways to Deal with Difficult People 
  • How to Gain Rapport with Anyone Instantly
  • The Top 3 Skills High Achievers Must Master

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Discover the 5 Keys to Go from Surviving to Thriving in Loss & Grief
by Michaela Cox

This eBook is one of Michaela Cox's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • Grounding - Gaining Your Grounding in Your Grief
  • Redesign - Daring to Redefine and Redirect Your Course in Life
  • Abundance - Learning to Live in Abundance
  • Care - Choosing Care and Clarity over Confusion and Chaos
  • Equipped - Being Essentially Equipped for Your Journey


Andera | United States

"Before working with Coach Michaela, I was struggling with the death of my husband. Because she too has suffered the loss of a spouse, Coach Michaela understood my pain and helped me work through the guilt.

Today I still struggle with many things but I feel more at peace than I ever have. If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one and need guidance and direction, I highly recommend working with Coach Michaela.

Love always wins ā¯¤ļø¸"


Kelley | United States

"Before working with Coach Michaela when my fiance passed I did a lot of blaming myself for his death and if I could have done anything to prevent his death. Working with Coach Michaela has allowed me to somewhat be okay with my fiance's death and realized that I couldn't do anything to change the outcome.

Coach Michaela has taught me that it's okay to cry to laugh to be blah because not everyone grieves the same way. It's been two years since my fiance's death and every day I miss him, but I now know he'd want me to not wallow and to be happy.

Coach Michaela has helped me realize that it's absolutely okay to observe dates for just me to have time with my thoughts of him. If anyone is struggling with a loss no  matter what kind of loss it is Coach Michaela is the one to help as she understands."


Liana | United States

"Before working with Coach Michaela, I was struggling with aspects of self-care which involved organization and management of my time and goals and having confidence in my abilities in these areas.

>Because she understands the importance of these things of self-care, Coach Michaela understands my struggle and knows how to help me work through being stuck in getting what I need to do these things.

Today, I have more confidence in myself and abilities. I’m able to manage my time being organized and thus, allowing time to structure my day so that I can do self-care and be my best self, stay on track and reach my goals. I highly recommend working with Coach Michaela."

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